
New Beginnings

It's Spring! Just as we thought it would never come... We've been getting quite a few beautiful days, and have been enjoying the freedom of the outdoors whenever possible. Last night Jim made a campfire and cooked part of our dinner over it, then we sat around it to eat and roast some marshmallows. Not a bad way to spend an evening.

In the spirit of Spring, we planted some seeds Saturday - a new record for us! In the ground are the first round of lettuce, spinach, radishes and turnips, and all the snap and shelling peas. It feels so good, and is quite exciting to see our new garden starting to take shape. We've got big plans. There's good news on the bee front, too: Both hives appear to have made it through the winter! Jim has been in to check them out, and while it looked a bit touch and go with one of the hives, we've now seen lots of activity by both on the warmer days. So perhaps, if our luck continues, we'll have some honey to look forward to later in the year.

The boys have seen a couple new beginnings as well, big and small. They are now sporting much overdo, springtime haircuts courtesy of Grandma Demko. The first with the scissors rather than the clippers. They sat still like it was old hat. And on the bigger side of things, they are now both out of their cribs and in their race car beds. In a surprise move, Drew took to it right away and was extremely proud of his accomplishment. Garrett... spent a little more time in his crib. But about a week and a half ago decided that he was ready to follow the rules, and has done well ever since (though we have yet to dismantle his crib again, having learned our lesson that first night...) They are such big boys. (Those wonderful quilts are courtesy of Grandma Char.)
Much more to come soon, I'm sure, and we hope you're enjoying the new hope of Spring, as well!

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