
Birthday Boys

The birthday boys in "Fort Birthday" eating Daddy-made biscuits.

Garrett and Drew are 3!! How that's possible, I don't know. But so it is.

Three years ago yesterday two very determined little boys decided they were ready to make their entrance, and we were off running.

We had good celebrations this year, though they were a bit hampered by both Drew and Garrett as well as Annie being sick with colds. We spent their birthday morning at the doctor's office getting Garrett some medicine for an ear infection. Poor guy...

They didn't let that stop the fun of celebrating and cake and candles and presents, though. There was much excitement and joyful smiles. They're now set up for some fishing with Daddy once Spring finally comes, and loads of pots and pans and cooking supplies not to mention aprons to make it official. Coins are being saved in piggy banks, and new balls and bean bags have been flying and trucks driving all over. They came down yesterday morning to find "Fort Birthday" that Jim made for them from some big boxes we'd been saving, and their room has a new coat of paint (with colors they picked out) - about which they are very excited, especially one very fancy door... (look to the right for some pictures).

Now that the celebrations have just about ended, we'll work on getting ourselves well, and then be off and running once more. Three is bound to be a big year!

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