
Moving Forward

There has been lots of forward movement and thinking about the way forward going on around the homestead lately. Spring is in full swing and so also is our garden. Perhaps pictures will follow, but for now words will have to do. The garden has been very satisfying so far this year, what with our earliest start ever (actually erring on the side of being too early with a few things...live and learn and replant...) and the little green plants springing up all over. My personal favorite and what brings me joy every time I look out the window and happen to catch a glimpse is our onion patch - rows and rows of little green leaves growing bigger each day, all in such nice neat lines. An added joy since this is the first year we have a fighting chance at growing some good ones, the dirt at the new house much improved from the old. Jim tilled up even more of the side yard last week, fences are going up, seedlings are growing on the dryer, and so it goes.

In sadder news, we had our first chicken casualty last week when Fluffhead (our aptly named White Sultan - puffball of feathers on her head) strayed too close to the road while out foraging. It was a sad night. It's not quite the same heading out to take care of the chickens and not seeing her bobbing around and squawking her raspy little squawk. On the other side of things, Jim is expecting a call any day now informing him when he can pick up his new package of bees to replace the hive that didn't survive an early Spring cold snap.

Life keeps moving forward as well, with Fall and preschool for the boys (God-willing and successful potty training accomplished - cross those fingers) seeming to get closer at lightening speed. It seemed so far away when we chose the school and signed them up. Now it's only four or so months away!

In part spurred on by that realization and the anticipation of yet another major change to life as it's been with the boys -hopefully- beginning to take a new step, a bit more independence, I've been doing some looking forward, giving some thought to how and why I and we are on the path we are - and what exactly that path might look like moving forward. With work becoming increasingly busy for him with ever more hours, Jim has, I think, joined that thinking in more earnest lately as well.

Another area of moving forward is this blog. When we started it going on two and a half years ago it was a good way to keep in touch as the boys grew and changed so quickly. They are of course still constantly growing and changing. But, as I've been giving more thought to our journey and finding our way forward as a family I've wondered if perhaps anyone reading this might find that of interest as well. You might notice the addition of a poll to the right. Take a moment and have your say. No offense will be taken if the majority prefers a light read and cute pictures. We're happy to oblige :) But on the other hand if you'd be interested in a bit deeper look as we move forward, make your voices heard.

And which ever way, if you're ever in our neck of the woods and in need of a dozen eggs, drop us a line or stop in for a visit - we'd be happy to see you.

1 comment:

Dan + Meghan + Fiona said...

NOOOOOO!!!!! Not Fluff Head!!