
Worth It in The End

This week we embarked on one of those journeys during which you hold on with all your might to the belief that it will be worth it in the end. For who in their right mind would attempt to potty train two boys at the same time otherwise?

A few weeks ago Jim scheduled a week's vacation and we decided that it would be a good idea to try to do some intensive focusing on potty training while we were both around. In the interest of letting them go at their own pace and in hopes of heading off power struggles, we've been taking a pretty laid back approach up to this point. But, seeing as how that hasn't been going much of anywhere but fits and starts with Drew, and with Fall just a few months away, it seemed prudent to take a -loving, encouraging- stand.

There are so very many theories and methods of potty training out there, it's quite amazing. Each is quite convinced it is the surefire, best way, be it a one day or months-long process. We're just hoping for a happy middle. We kicked it off by Saturday informing the boys that we had decided they were ready to start using the potty and we'd be there to help them as they learned. Sunday saw us at the store with a very proud Garrett picking out his special big boy underwear. (Drew had made a special trip previously.) Monday was day one, no more diapers during the day. Let the chaos begin.

Did I ever think my life was full of interruptions, oh dear goodness. Here is where the chant "it will be worth it, it will be worth it..." comes in handy. That and an empty to-do list (did I mention that we had also entertained the fantasy of getting some things done around the house during this vacation?) It's day three, and I'm able to be writing this because Jim is at home in the trenches while I have a few blessed hours of sanity on my night out (he had his yesterday...). It is a welcome break.

In praise of the boys, they have been doing fabulously over all. Drew, having had more practice prior to this week, has had only a handful of partial accidents and we're feeling pretty confident that he'll let us know when he has to go. Huge. Garrett, of the iron will, who hasn't shown much if any interest up to now, has had a few accidents every day, and I think is perhaps wearing thin on the interest front. (How to keep up that enthusiasm...?) But, he has also had a number of successes and is oh so very proud of himself when he makes it, it's quite wonderful to see. As is the sight of them both all excited in their big boy underwear, which we won't share here, but would be happy to pass along individually should you need a smile.

So wish us luck, sanity, best wishes, hope, whatever goodness you can send our way, and we'll be looking forward to the day we can look back on this current chaos and feel a bittersweet nostalgia.

1 comment:

christine said...

good luck, good luck, good luck, good luck! and it WILL be worth it, it WILL be worth it ... and hang in there! ;)