This past weekend we initiated Drew and Garrett into the joy of the road trip, driving up to northern Michigan to visit my Grandma, Aunt Pat and cousins who Jim and I haven't seen in 5 years, and Garrett and Drew have never met. It was a bit of trial by fire, but, we were pleasantly surprised how excited the boys were about it, and how able they were to roll with the changes. (Well, with one rather glaring exception I think we all hope to soon forget...) It was a joy to take a trip that I got to take every year growing up; to visit family that we so rarely get to see; to have the chance to introduce them to Drew and Garrett and to share with the boys places and activities that are special to me from those trips. Grandma Char and Grandpa Mike drove up as well, and we had two whole days to stay, not including driving to and from, which was just about right. Here are a few of the highlights along the way (in addition, of course, to all the visiting we were able to do!)...

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